The Office of Cyber-Security & Information Assurance (OCSIA) was established by a Council of Ministers Directive in October 2017.
Situated within the Department of Home Affairs, OCSIA is responsible for safeguarding the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of government data.
Work will ensure that departments, boards, offices and other public authorities can deter and defend against cybercrime by maintaining and sharing information. OCSIA will provide assurance that all government entities are operating at an appropriate level of cyber security and support the wider all-Government response to a cyber-incident.
Additionally, in support of government compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, OCSIA actively assists government agencies in understanding and aligning with the requirements of the Act (and the associated GDPR and LED Implementing Regulations), collaborating closely with the Information Commissioner's Office to ensure adherence.
In October 2023, we formally launched the Cyber Security Centre for the Isle of Man (CSC), which is our public-facing body providing advice, guidance, and practical support to Island residents and businesses. As a part of OCSIA, the CSC operates in the public sphere, while OCSIA focuses on Information assurance within Government.